Sanjay Rajagopalan, MBBS, FACC, FAHA
Photo: Sanjay Rajagopalan



Elected 2015

Dr. Rajagopalan completed clinical and research fellowships in cardiovascular medicine and vascular biology at the Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia and advanced cardiovascular imaging training at Duke University. Dr. Rajagopalan is among an elite group of physician investigators whose work has transformed perceptions of cardiovascular disease and facilitated the development of newer methodologies and approaches to diagnose and treat cardiovascular disease. He has made contributions to the development of next generation therapeutic modalities for the treatment of cardiovascular disease and is a leading authority in advancing newer and innovative non-invasive approaches for the diagnosis of complex cardiovascular disorders. He is among the first in the world to help facilitate understanding of the global impact of chronic environmental factors in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease.